she’s here!

DSC_0242Meredith Anne entered this world and our lives on 3/25, a Wednesday night at 9:12 pm, weighing in at 8 lbs. 9 oz, and stretching 19 3/4 inches long. Her middle name honors all the great ladies in Meredith’s life, past and present. Her grandma’s Julie Ann, her great grandmas Mercedes Anne, and Joyce Ann and even her lovely aunt Jill Ann gets to be in the mix! But most of all it was for my mother, Marilyn “Mar” Anne. We’ll call her “Mer” too, and can only hope her optimist, zest for life comes from my mother. One of the sweetest purest soles I know.

photo 4Yep, this girl already has a mind of her own. We had originally scheduled a c-section for March 29. But she obviously had other plans. I went to work as usual Wednesday morning, thinking my last day was just a day away. I was having my usual hectic day of way too many patients and way too little time to see them. As always, we moved along quickly; things were getting accomplished and the day was running rather smooth. It was around 10:30 am that I started to feel – different – not labor pains, but facial swelling, redness and stinging?!?  A walk to the mirror revealed my face was blotchy and pink. I managed to get more of my schedule done but was still feeling this burning sensation and a new pain near my inner left eye. Finally, and a little reluctantly, I decided to call my OB. It was 2:30pm at this point and if I could make it to her office, I wouldn’t have to go to triage. I left the office in a rush, saying I’ll be back to my nurses and office manager, leaving my regular clothes and office in shambles. I made it to the OB’s by 2:50 pm and they took me back, took my blood pressure several times, looked at me and said it’s time. My OB added, “you look horrible and your blood pressure is up, Sarah. It’s time. Let’s have this baby.” She’s great and honest and I heart her.

Because I had eaten lunch we had to wait until 9pm to start the c-section.

photo 1So, again the images of my delivery being scheduled and planned out had vanished. One more Saturday at home had vanished. I had plans to  grocery shop Wednesday, watch Wisconsin play Thursday night, pack my bag for the hospital Saturday, and later that day, welcome our family into town! Plus, Jack had an Easter egg hunt Saturday! This was not the plan!!

photo 5But if the consolation prize for this “not being the plan” is a beautiful healthy baby, I’ll take it! I will still try to plan my life and my children will continue to break it, but that’s just fine with me.

We spent the rest of the night just staring at Meredith, watching her open her eyes, figuring out who she resembles (where is that hair from?), watching her first bath, completely memorized that she is all ours. We are officially a family of four.

DSC_0308We are so so so blessed. She definitely has our hearts and apparently already ruled over our schedule.