cold brew


When we made the long trek up to Wisconsin for a long and wonderful midwestern adventure, we came home with a lot more than just memories and, of course, a case or two of Spotted Cow. We were enlightened by some dear friends with yet another great way to love our beloved drink, coffee. I love the process of making coffee, and this is another wonderful method to explore for yourself! It’s been an afternoon treat in this household for a couple weeks now, and I’m sure it will continue on for years to come. Enjoy!

I bought our cold brew items on amazon. Here and Here. First, start by grinding your beans. Then, place the coffee beans in the filter portion of the carafe.

**Update** We got a new grinder, here. I use a 22 grinder setting for chemex coffee but for cold brew you don’t want it that fine. Ideally a 30 or so works best for us, more like french press consistency.


Then place the filter into the carafe, placing the little circle of the filter on the handle side.


Then, pour away with cold tap water. Fill it up and place it in your refrigerator for a solid eight hours.


After 8 hours, we pour our cold-brewed into a jar to enjoy the whole week! I placed a “D” using washi tape, because we usually make one decaffeinated, fully caffeinated or half caff in our refrigerator.


On ice with a little almond milk is the way we like our cup of joe but enjoy it anyway you like it! Flavored? Soy milk? Straight? So many fun options for this great treat!

DSC_0249cold brew glassHappy Weekend, Friends!!

four months

Month four was full of family fun! Meredith went on her very first road trip and loved every minute! She loved being entertained by Jack, loved the open road… and slept a lot! Jack was a little freaked out about having “TV” in the car.
Mind. Blown.Car RideMeredith met her new cousins for the first time and agreed with Jack’s assessment on just how cool they really are!Cousins
We headed out to grandpa and grandma’s new farmland. Jack was so in love with every aspect of this new heaven that Papa will forever be synonymous with tractor!
Believe me, these two had so much fun. Jack loved getting rides in the Polaris ,and after a couple of rounds he figured he could venture out on his own.
Polaris Ride
With all that wonderful fresh air and activity, some of us didn’t make it through dinner.
Sleeping Babies at the Farm
 I took a stroll around the property, taking in all the scenery. It’s a wonderful peaceful landscape and I cannot wait to see this beautiful space in the fall!
DSC_0351 DSC_0323
We said goodbye to Grammie and Papa and headed back to Texas.
The rest of the month was spent staying cool. In our backyard and at our neighborhood pool! Boston always loves join in the fun.
Jack + Bones PoolSummer 2015We found our inner Picasso this summer, too! Painting a Kaboom! for July 4th.
Meredith decided to rollover for the first time on 7/2/2015, and five days later she rolled over and pushed herself up. We all know Otis has been working with her for weeks. He’s such a great trainer for tummy time and meal time!
On Meredith’s four month birthday weekend, some of our Missouri family came down for a visit. They had a wonderful time exploring all the great attractions Dallas has to offer and let Jack tag along, too.
O'Dells Visit
Our doctor’s visit was for both Jack and Meredith this month, 2 whole years and 4 months!  I tried to hold back the tears, but they are both so perfect. Or at least that’s what I heard!
But mostly, I try to capture my little ones doing what they do best, enjoying each others presence and getting annoyed at mom wanting a picture or five hundred!
Month four has been wonderful! This is the age I so dearly love! They start interacting with the world around them, and they start laughing and smiling so much more. It’s just wonderful!
Four Month Collage
Happy Four Months, Lady!